You are always home

There is something wonderfully liberating about driving somewhere new without using your maps for direction…

I just bought my first car two days ago, after biking 10 miles a day for almost two months and carrying it up multiple flights of stairs on the daily.
I had no idea I would be living in a new city months ago, nor did I know for how long, so a bike was just perfect.
It was also perfect that I had just spent 3 months with @carly_schwartz_ where she made cacio e pepi almost every day… preparing me for all the cardio we had no idea I’d be doing.
I had no idea that two days after buying my car, I would be told that I need to get both front tires replaced, and that the back tire has a nail in it.
I also had no idea that the guy delivering me that news, would go from grumpy to laughing by the end of our conversation… but it was my mission and I had succeeded.

So I drive off smiling, in my “new” car with old tires, turn up Peace Train by Cat Stevens, and decide to find my own way home, because tires are tires and laughing with strangers is the best.

And does anything worthwhile come with always knowing exactly how you will get there? Or is it the curvy, bumpy roads that make it so invigorating?

..Life is like navigating a new city with no maps. You let your curiosity lead you. Sometimes you take the wrong turn. Sometimes you think you took the wrong turn, when in all actuality it provided you with a short-cut to where you needed to be; Or maybe that turn reveals a brand new café that you have never tried and it becomes your favorite. Maybe you stumble upon the most beautiful church, like the one I am parked outside of right now.

You begin to see that you will have repairs that need to be made along the way. You will have to invest in yourself, and take the time to improve.

You feel uncomfortable finding your own way, but with time you find confidence in where you are being led, no matter how many wrong turns it takes you to get there. And one day, looking in your rear view mirror, you will know all these roads like the back of your hand, and see that they led you to the most marvelous destinations that you never would have seen..

There is a reason for it all. Maybe it is to learn to trust yourself, and find the most beautiful scenic routes in the midst of getting to where you really need to go
Because it is usually when we let go of what we think our route is, that our true path is revealed.

Maybe it is to learn that you are always home, no matter what the road looks like. Because home, is you.

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