Normality or Something Like that

In current times, I constantly hear people say, “I can’t wait for life to be normal again” (I too am criminal of this) and although this statement has innocent intentions, there is a flaw with it.

Life is not divided between normal and abnormal

Maybe some try to view it this way, but ultimately this division is nonexistent.

What does exist, however, are the expectations we hold once we become comfortable.

Remember, nothing in this life was normal to us, we found comfort through trial, error, and patience. We have adapted to the people, the places, the ideas, the actions…everything was strange or a stranger before it became our life. 

It is important to recognize this, because as we become comfortable, we cling to expectations of what should come next, (“normality”) and we call that our life. The label “normal” is far more limiting and toxic than most realize or care to admit

It is the same as accepting a similar plan every day and being upset when it goes off course, yet we have lived that plan already

we are letting our expectation of life exceed life itself

This is the same way we end up with mid-life crises and wonder where our time went

Life is the present moment

And the present moment is capable of constant change

So, if constant change is occurring, then there is no room for normality

Does that make sense?

Let me repeat: If constant change is occurring, then there is no room for normality

There is no room because different opportunities and situations will always be occurring

Your current life is not a drill. It is not fake. Your current life IS “normal” life

And just as the present moment is capable of change, so are we

We change with life

There is not one set way of doing something which is why it is important to learn adaptability, not push it away

Chaos happens and we grow from it

As changes happen with this pandemic, with our health, our society, our economy, what actions can you take to evolve and work with our new situation, not against it?

There is a version of yourself that works well with this time

You do not have to sit and be uncomfortable, wishing for better days

Allow your discomfort to be the motivating factor that provides new perspectives and ultimately new actions


We can push it under our beds and try to carry on with our “normal” lives

We can be resistant of challenging opportunities around us

We can try to remain the same

But riddle me this, what is the point of life if our aim is to remain the same?

Since our birth, nothing has remained the same

Yes, you worked hard to get where you are

Yes, life is challenging right now, and things can feel unfair

I can be empathetic with life because it is not easy and there are many challenges coming in all different directions

But, vocalizing these labels does not alter the fact that life has changed and is changing, and despite this change you are still capable of betterment in some way or other

Embrace the newness, become creative with this version of yourself and the goals you want to achieve/ how you want to achieve them

This is a time for creativity, for hardwork, or maybe even rest for some

We do not have to cling to the identities we held (in different life situations mind you) because we found that they work

A lot of things work, let’s see what more we can create

All the love,


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