Disappointment into Hopefulness

My morning started with sleeping in past my alarm
I woke up tired and groggy
Ultimately with a low vibe
I performed my usual morning routine and it helped…But as the day continued I noticed my mind drifting to anywhere but the present moment

I was thinking about past events and how I wish they would have been
I began comparing myself to other people
Before I knew it, I was immersed in unhappiness and irritation

I have a desire for perfection, although my life is far from it I don’t believe it’s bad to want the best, but when it interferes with your life in a negative way, you must be aware and learn to change it
Living in the past and with constant comparison is not truly bettering yourself
And that strive for perfection is a subconscious belief that you will never be good enough

I went home and prepared a nice lunch and ate it in the sunshine, where I would usually be high energy and enthusiastic, yet I sat with a resting face I decided this called for a nap and a nice drive
So I indulged in a nice meal, I napped and I drove (and also made it a point to get a fresh pressed juice) 
I turned up the music and soon enough my mind drifted from a place of lack to gratitude and hopefulness

I began to reflect on how much trust I had in myself (which is something I could always use more of)
Contradictory to my passionate and confident personality, I often look for answers in other people— “That person seems happy, I wonder what they are doing?”
In looking for answers outside of myself, I have often made my life much more complicated. I have made situations much more complex than they needed to be because I acted out of what I thought I should do, instead of what I felt; I have confused my own feelings with other people’s feelings.
No one is the same. No one thinks the exact same way, feels the same way, responds the exact same way
It is our past that shapes our nature

It is ok to feel.
Feel it all.
Embrace it. 
Embrace the good and the bad. Each comes and goes. 

Become accepting of where you are right now. My right now is feeling lost and confused. I really feel like I have it all together one week and the next I begin to rethink it all because I’m not exactly where I want to be
This is ok. Just remind yourself that you have to work to get to where you want to be; you must work through the times you feel like you are just coasting by (you really are growing the most here). The results come after these times.

Love what you look like; love your people.
Love your life for what it is, not what it will or can be. 
Let go
Embrace yourself
Turn disappointment into hopefulness and keep going

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