
This past week I found myself coming across so many pictures and memories from high school, college, and as close as just a year ago. I find it amazing to look back on these times, which were not so long ago, and recognize my personal growth. The takeaway that I came up with from reflecting on these memories is that we truly need to embrace and love who we are and surround ourselves with genuine people. I spent so much of my young adult life trying to fit in, trying to force friendships, and feeling anxious in conversations with others, because I just wanted to be loved and accepted. It was exhausting. I remember being so sad. All I ever wanted was to love and be loved. But I could not really achieve that until I embraced and loved myself. I still have to work on it every day, I think we all do! I tell myself every day to always love yourself… it’s okay to have a small circle, large circle, or no circle at all. True happiness comes from within, it starts with you. And YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND WORTHY.

This quarantine has really given me a chance to take time to try new things and fill my days with everything I have always wanted to do but never seemed to have the time for. I used to get so discouraged and intimidated by things I never tried or wasn’t good at, but I’ve really embraced the idea that anyone can do anything!! It doesn’t matter if you have never done something before or you’ve been doing it your whole life. If it brings you joy, DO IT!! My new thing that I have been able to try during this time is gardening and composting, I’m notorious for killing house plants so I was scared. But so far, my plants and seeds are doing well and I’m so proud! I am looking at this experience as a chance to grow and develop a new skill which I have always admired but was too intimidated by to pursue. The worst that could happen, will be nothing more than a learning experience:) I encourage everyone to try something new today, even if it is something small


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Rose (Emily)

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