Time makes prisoners of us all.
Prisoners to a construct
Prisoners to an inevitable end.
And prisoners to a world we once knew.
The key is to break free from time. Break free from envisioning the end. And break free from the world you once knew.
We are all just pieces of a puzzle, trying to find our place to fit. But what if we didn’t?
What if we recognized the utter originality we possess?
Couldn’t we decide where, and how we fit?
Do not compromise your authenticity. Changing colors as a chameleon does is only good for one thing, hiding.
Show your colors, do not skew them. Our world is yearning for your quirks and quips.
My father used to tell me, “chin up, chest out. Walk with a purpose.” And that is the message I will leave you with today.
(P.S. I’m dating one of the co-founders and she’s really hot)