
What exactly is the purpose of fear?

If we go back in time, fear was just the mechanism to keep us protected. For example, when facing a giant bear, which could certainly kill you, your mind sends signals for your heart for it to pump faster, your pupils get dilated, and you start breathing faster. Bingo! you just entered “fight or flight” mode.
What is interesting is that nowadays, we have been getting the same response over an unanswered message, a bad grade, or even an unwanted thought. What is the purpose of this fear? It certainly won’t protect us from any physical harm. We need to learn how to delete fear.

Are you afraid no one will ever love you? Delete.
Are you afraid you will never be good enough? Delete.
These thoughts will not help you in any way, rather, you will feel your hands get sweaty and your mind won’t be able to focus on anything else. In this case, as you don’t need to flight or fight, all that unused adrenaline will just serve as a way to make every single muscle in your body feel tense. The worst part in all of that is that you were the one who allowed thoughts to take place and hence start this mechanism.

We are only allowed to have one emotion as the governor of our lives. We can choose if we wish to live a life governed by fear, or we can chose its alternative: love. Leading a life which has love as its main guide, allows you to look at the same situations in a much lighter and simpler way. “I will be loving to others, and hence attract love towards me”. “I will do my best, and will learn whichever is beyond what I already know”. Being loving to yourself is the antidote to any obstacles you face in life. Love attracts love.

Use of precious energy thinking how nice is to feel the sun in your face; how beautiful nature is; and how precise is the universe.
Think back on all the challenges that you’ve faced. They shaped you to exactly what you are today. As hard as some of these incidents were, trust me, they were blessings. Let’s live a life lead by love and remember that everything is a blessing!

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