Easy Like Tuesday Mornings

I think Tuesdays may be my favorite day of the week. I couldn’t tell you why, but there is something about starting your week off where everything feels so possible and in arm’s reach. And lets be real, Mondays are just a practice run.

So, as I sit here with some tea, just thinking about life (no job, not in school, can’t drive, just a chaotic “path”), I feel weirdly the most put together I have ever felt. It’s as if life threw a million curve balls my direction, caused so much ruckus, that I had no other option but to embrace it all with open arms.

Lately I find myself working on projects I would always put off for tomorrow. Like cleaning out our basement that has been a work in progress for 20+ years, and donating items that can actually be put to use rather than just taking up space. I’m letting go objects that I do not need, people whom I no longer grow with, and my identity. I clung so hard to my identity, who that I thought I was, and I worked constantly to maintain this person. Seldom did I ask myself if I enjoyed present-moment-me. I, like many, was too focused on what my future would look like and didn’t fully grasp the concept that my future is nonexistent. Cue the book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. Current time is all that we have; not our past, not our future, just this moment.

Let go of the identity you claim, and the lifestyle you revolve around it. Do you like your choices? Are you honest with yourself? Appreciate your Tuesday Mornings and spend some love on yourself and your people. It does not have to be a constant go, go, go, just a genuine pursuit.

This is a whirlwind time for all, but I think there is a generalized message of learning to let go, if you allow it to be seen.

All the love, Kristen

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