Live Like A Garden

I recently joined the world of gardening. My decision came after a series of events: I bought a juicer, started selling fresh pressed juice, and before the business even took off—I went out of business. 

What I realized quickly into my “business” was I was wildly unprepared. I had no idea what I was doing, nor how much I was spending. I was undervaluing my worth in the company by charging people so little. I realized the products I was using for the juices were fluctuating so often, I had to keep changing the price per juice. This is when, to my surprise, I got the idea to put on my sun hat and become a gardener. I can grow my own product! 

I quickly began doing my research; What is best to plant this time of year? Where should I go to get these plants? The list goes on. Then there are the choices; The choice between a roma tomato, and the ten other tomatoes you can pick from. How do I know which is the best? This is where I go with my gut instinct and remind myself, I can always change my mind if I discover something may be better for me. 

Then there comes the analysis stage. You analyze where the best place is for you to plant your garden. It may take a lot of work, but you find the place that aligns with you. 

For me, my place was at my grandma’s house– walking distance or a bike ride away. Her house is located on many acres of land, filled with many trees; there is a beautiful, rustic, red barn that I used to play in while growing up, and it offers no distractions (except my own mind). 

So, I picked my place– somewhere to plant my roots. This garden will only be as good as I allow it. I want it to prosper, to be bigger than I could ever imagine, and to produce plenty so I can go out into the world with it and help others. 

In order for my garden to prosper, I must also remember to be patient and that it will require hard work and dedication from me. 

To start, I must hoe the area and pick the weeds. I have to be patient and allow the soil to breathe. I have to plant my crop; again, I must be patient, and not give up. I must expand my mind and believe this garden will be wonderful because I intend for it to be. I may not see the results yet, but they are coming because I am believing. I am believing and working daily to tend to my garden. I have trust. I am accepting. I accept any of the setbacks that may come and continue to work hard. That is what I want. I pursue with passion each step of the way. 

This is more than just a garden. 

This is life.

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