Unraveling life's curiosities in

No Specific Order

Our Thoughts

A place to share real struggles, challenges, beauty, inspiration and to find a connection to one another.  There is far more to life than just checking boxes and getting from A to B.

We're so happy you're here

NSO is our platform to help make life a little easier and more relatable, highlighting that there is no specific order to our lives. Our website/blog is centered around creative opportunities and outlets. We hope you find some inspiration in our blog posts, recipes, and more.


Our favorite Jams

Our favorite songs, albums, and artists compiled into one.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Unfiltered Genuine Authentic

Spreading our positive, loving, and joyful life experiences to you.

put life on


Long day? Join us in guided meditations, our selected favorites to help grasp the core and feeling of gratitude.

Share Something & Someone Saturday's

We are dedicating our Saturdays to highlighting some amazing local people that have inspired us one way or another.

We Like It,
We Pin It

Bringing joy and love one pin at a time.  Stay up to date with all of our soul filling and heartwarming pins.